A Mother’s Heart
Next week, we will observe Veterans Day. I am married to an Army veteran who served with pride and understood the possible consequences of serving for his country. Unfortunately, this year, the toll of a war has been on my mind…
Give me something good to eat!
Thank you so much for your candy donations and participation! Here are some quick facts about Treat'n Trunk this year:
The strength of community
As we prepare for fall after our weirdly delayed summer, our dear friends in Honduras have at least another month of their rainy and hurricane season! As you may have seen in church a few Sundays ago…
The 10th Leopard
Over the years of teaching theology to college and seminary students, I reminded them that they would most likely spend very little time with children in their ministry except for the few who selected children's ministries…
The Blessing Chair
Our God is the God of the impossible! Our God is the God of miracles! Our God makes a way where there is no way! These are the powerful statements that described my past few weeks.
From Garden to City
For example, I grew up going to a very fundamentalist, conservative, Christian church. I also spent part of my younger years in a fundamentalist, conservative, private Christian school. In each of those …
How sweet the sound
The gift of grace is a chance to start fresh. It's a chance to be free and let love flow at a new level. Understanding grace is…
They devoted themselves
I’ve always loved the Acts of the Apostles; it’s the story of the first generation of the Church. Acts 2:42 lists four things the early church was known for; they’ve served as a guiding light for us at Hillspring…
Welcome Steve Lewis
My passion has always been rooted in exploring the “mysteries of God”. I have spent my life dedicated to being a student of the mysteries of God. I am a perpetual student who is blessed on occasions to be a teacher…
United by the Holy Spirit
As Peter spoke, a crowd gathered. They were amazed and confused because each one heard …
There is neither…
It was a beautiful evening. We were all seated on a dimly lit patio surrounded by the sounds of…
Jesus Calms the Storm
Growing up in the '70s, a common phrase we used was Hang in There. The idiom was an informal and friendly expression that people used to encourage someone not to give up, to be …
Your Journey starts here
I paused. I began to think about each trip I took around the sun. The places I’ve been. The experiences I’ve had. The opportunities I’ve taken and missed.
Pentecost Sunday
When Jesus ascended to heaven, he promised that even though he was leaving, he would send another—different but the same as him. That seems confusing. How can…
Being light
Jesus shared these powerful words of “being light” with His disciples during the…
the Bible Unwrapped
The Holy Book. God’s Word. God’s love letter to us. Basic instructions before leaving Earth. These were some of the terms used to describe the Bible as I grew up. I was even taught…
How good is He
Any song that sings about the goodness of God will be one of my favorites, so I knew right away this one was golden. Immediately, I…
A time to rest
The main factor behind this decision is far simpler: I am weary. The challenges and opportunities of the past four years have been numerous…
A Love Like No Other
Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter Sunday is when we reflect on the important events and acts of Jesus leading up to His death, waiting, and resurrection. We often mention on Sundays that we cannot have a resurrection without a death.
Embracing humility
Growing up, I often heard variations of the following idea: "The more you know, the more you realize you don't know." I have found this true in many areas, especially in relationships.