the Bible Unwrapped

The Holy Book. God’s Word. God’s love letter to us. Basic instructions before leaving Earth. These were some of the terms used to describe the Bible as I grew up. I was even taught a song that, to this day, will sneak up and repeat in my head like “It’s a Small World” – I can’t make it stop! Maybe you’re familiar with it:


“The B-I-B-L-E, yes that’s the book for me, I stand alone on the Word of God, the B-I-B-L-E.”


If you know it and it gets stuck – you’re welcome!


If I were to ask you what the Bible is, what would you say?


Maybe you’d use one of the terms above. Maybe you’d bust out in song. Or maybe you’d come up with something completely different.


The truth is, there are so many different ideas and opinions as to what the Bible is, you could ask 20 different people for their thoughts and get 20 different answers. However, regardless of the answers, one thing we have all seen and experienced (whether aware of it or not), is the profound influence the Bible has had on the world throughout its existence. Cultures have been built around it. Wars have been fought because of it. New methods, institutions and inventions have been realized because of it. To this day, the Bible is still the most read, translated and distributed book in the world.


Maybe, instead of asking what the Bible is, we should be asking why the Bible has been and continues to be such a powerful influence over humanity?!


And maybe, if we did, we’d find common ground to build on instead of engaging in the countless debates, arguments, disagreements, justifications, validations and assertations constantly dividing us.




Why do you think the Bible has been so influential?


Often, I have found the easiest way to find an answer is to look to the source…


In the New Testament, in a letter often attributed to the Apostle Paul who was writing to Timothy, a young student, travel companion and partner in ministry, Paul wrote:


“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 3:14-17


This passage is the most definitive statements about the Bible, from the Bible!


Paul expressed to Timothy that the Holy Scriptures “make us wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ!” In other words, the Bible has been, is and will continue to be a game changer because it introduces us to the creator and savior of all things! No one knows creation better than the creator and when we follow the creator, everything changes!


Paul went on to say that scriptures are “God-Breathed” or inspired by God to do four things with one outcome:


1.     Teaching – Teaching right thinking (or doctrine).

2.     Rebuking – Rebuking false thinking (or doctrine).

3.     Correcting – Correcting wrong behavior.

4.     Training – Training right behavior.


And why would we need to understand right and wrong thinking and behavior?


For the one outcome: That we would be “thoroughly equipped for every good work!”


When we know how to think and act as Jesus, and do it, the world changes and becomes more and more as God intended it to be in the first place!


In other words, according to the Bible, the reason it has been, is and will continue to be a game changer is because it points us to Jesus and equips us for all God has called and created us to be!


Notice Paul started with Jesus. It makes sense. If we look to the Scriptures without Jesus or elevate the Scriptures above Jesus, we miss the point and in turn, miss the mark.


And when we miss the mark, we miss out on life as God intended and cause others to do the same.


So why do you read the Bible?


Regardless of the reason, my hope is that you will encounter the living God and grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus.




Because the more we know and trust Jesus, the more we live like Jesus. The more we live like Jesus, the more we experience life as God intends. And the more we experience this life, the more the world changes and becomes “on Earth as it is in Heaven…”


Currently, the Youth and Men’s Ministries are hosting a study on the Bible called “The Bible Unwrapped” on Sunday mornings at 8:30AM in the Teen Center. We would love to have you join us! Please note we will not be meeting on Mother’s Day, Sunday May 14th.


Grace and Peace,


Pastor Justin


Being light


How good is He