Women’s Bible Study
Better Together - our connections bring us joy, strength, and a sense of purpose.
We are a community of women in different stages of life, coming together to seek perspective, growth, and connection through the nourishment of God’s Word. We walk alongside each other, finding spiritual fulfillment in our shared journey.
Come connect, grow, and receive the nourishment of God’s word. Join our community of women.
“I come to women’s Bible Study for the love, compassion and sense of belonging. I felt this from JESUS and ALL the women as soon as I joined.”
Wednesdays at 10:00 AM
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
We recognize that we cannot avoid the circumstances we go through in life. Still, we can prepare ourselves spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically so that when those times come, we have people with whom to share our struggles.
Our time together consists of a welcome, prayer and announcements, and a book study relatable to women that helps us meet the challenges facing us today. After the leader’s introduction or message regarding the study, we meet together around tables, where we continue building genuine relationships and learning more about God through group discussions. We close with prayer requests.
Meetings like these have such a significant effect on women's lives. They help shift our focus off of ourselves and onto each other so we can invite God's Spirit to begin to work. We get to experience God meeting personal needs and needs in the community at large.
Please join us as we make a difference in each other's lives.
Pastor Grimelda Sanchez
Grimelda was born and raised in Mexico and moved to Washington as a teenager. She gave her life to Christ in a small Hispanic church and got deeply involved ever since. She married the love of her life, Moses and has three energetic children with, Aaron, Eli and Milania.