The Blessing Chair

Our God is the God of the impossible! Our God is the God of miracles! Our God makes a way where there is no way! These are the powerful statements that described my past few weeks.

You see, God has given me a special love for those who suffer. And, as I minister to them, I know I am carrying on the ways of the early church found in Acts 5:42:

“Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.”

As I share, I am also reminded of God’s work in our everyday lives. It is one of the ways God confirms His presence and personally strengthens my faith.

Here is just one recent example of what I am writing about: 

“Every Wednesday was awaited desperately, during my hard season of distress and feeling hopeless. I found refuge for my pain. A place where I could feel accepted and loved, a place where I could find and embrace my vulnerability as well as my strengths. I discovered I was not alone. Every gathering, I asked the ladies to pray for me, for my future baby. I didn’t lose my faith that God was going to make a miracle and give me the child I always wanted… I am overjoyed to share with you that I am pregnant! There’s a miracle growing in my womb that shows God’s love and kindness…

I am so fortunate to have found a place where I could learn and feed my spiritual journey. It would have been very complicated to fight this battle without their prayers and company.” - S.W

This testimony is from one of the ladies who has been faithfully attending our Women’s Bible Study. On the one day she missed, another lady joined us for the first time. What got my attention was that the new lady sat on the same chair the other normally sits in and shared similar infertility struggles. I couldn’t hold back! I told her, “I don’t believe in coincidences and I believe God is up to something here.” She agreed and said, “This might be the blessing chair!” She had come asking for support and prayers.

When our next Bible study began, I noticed that neither of the ladies showed up. I called to encourage them both. I was surprised to find out (on the same day) they were both expecting!! The first didn’t come due to pregnancy symptoms. The second was busy planning ahead with work because her surrogate mom was (and is) pregnant!

These are the joys that bring hope in the face of struggles. They are reminders that God is good and faithful! And while I love connecting the dots as to how God is at work, it is more important for me to simply share that God IS at work, regardless of the circumstances. To remind those around me that we were meant to be in community, to share our burdens with each other and support one another through prayer. The rest is up to God and I know God is good at keeping His promises!

I feel blessed to be able to come alongside others during their most tender moments. It is a privilege to rejoice with them as they see God at work through their prayers. I am filled with pride as I witness their consistency and faithfulness as they seek God despite their struggles. I’m genuinely happy for them.

Who is in your corner when you are struggling?

Who do you share with as God works in your life?

The Book of Acts reminds us that God is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow.  God was present and active back then, and God is just as active and present today! The question is, are you seeing and sharing it?

Seek God! Find Him! Follow Him! AND Share!

Grimelda Sanchez

Associate Pastor


The 10th Leopard


From Garden to City