There is neither…

“Listen my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom He promised to those who love him?” – James 2:5 


It was a beautiful evening. We were all seated on a dimly lit patio surrounded by the sounds of the rainforest. The rain had just ceased and the sun was slowly setting in the distance. One by one, each of us shared our fondest memories from the amazing village we had just left. As the evening progressed, all eyes turned to Tech Trev. It was his turn. And he did not disappoint. In a way that only he can, he captured what each of us was feeling. In short, our time in Ojo de Agua was the closest any of us had come to experiencing God’s kingdom. And it was hard to leave! 

Looking in from the outside, one might wonder why this was the case. After all, we had just spent a week in hot, humid tropical weather without any way to cool off. There was no electricity or anything that comes with it. And we worked hard digging in the dirt, planting trees on fairly steep hillsides. Comfort was not in our vocabulary. 

But it wasn’t about comfort. It was about experiencing the unconditional love that occurs when people come together, united by Christ and are working for a common cause. When this happens, the “things of this world” seem small and insignificant when compared to the bonds being created and grown. For many of our youth, it was the first time they had truly encountered what the Apostle Paul said to the church in Galatia:  

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” – Galatians 3:28 

One of my favorite “Kingdom” snapshots came through the village leader, Joel and our youth. Throughout the week, Joel continually thanked God and us (the Hillspring Community) for our involvement with Ojo de Agua. According to Joel, our involvement helped (and continues to help) make him a better leader, father, husband, and follower of Jesus. 

That evening we all shared what Ojo de Agua meant to us, Joel was present, listening intently. Later that evening Joel asked to speak to the youth. When he did, he encouraged them, challenged them, and filled them with godly insight and wisdom that could only come from a seasoned leader. It was powerful! 

This is how God’s Kingdom works! Two people coming together united in Christ, encouraging one another, serving one another, sacrificing for one another so that both can grow into the people God has called and created them to be! 


The challenge I gave the youth as we returned home is the same challenge I pose to all of our Honduras Vision Trip participants: 


Why does it take going to a foreign country where we can’t even speak the same language to experience the unconditional love and acceptance God desires for us with people we just met?!  


Now that we have gotten a taste of God’s Kingdom and how relationships could be – do this at home!  


Be willing to listen! 


Be willing to serve! 


Be willing to sacrifice! 


Be willing to encourage! 


Be willing… 


In truth, this challenge isn’t just for those who have been to Honduras. It is our challenge as well. If we genuinely want to experience life as God intends it to be, we need to be willing to risk and love like Jesus! It’s not easy, and it’s worth it! 


Grace & Peace, 


Pastor Justin 


United by the Holy Spirit


Jesus Calms the Storm