From Garden to City

When you hear the word Revelation, what words, images and/or ideas come to mind?


Maybe it’s a simple definition such as “the unveiling of a previously unknown fact.”


Or, maybe it’s a complicated understanding of how the world is going to end.


Usually, what comes to mind is rooted in our upbringing and experiences.


For example, I grew up going to a very fundamentalist, conservative, Christian church. I also spent part of my younger years in a fundamentalist, conservative, private Christian school. In each of those settings, I was taught to fear God above all else. Why? Because “scaring the hell” out of us was easier than taking the time to patiently love us when it came to proper behavior. I cannot tell you how many times I was sternly told “God is ALWAYS watching you” and asked, “if you died right now do you know where you would go?”


Because of this, I came to see God as “the cosmic killjoy.” The one who was waiting for me to mess up so I could be punished!


Side Note – If you can relate to this in any way – I am sorry. Please know you are not alone and remember, “perfect love casts out fear!”


I share this with you because I want you to understand that when I heard the word Revelation, I was scared to death! And I was a Christian! The thought of Jesus returning to “set things right” terrified me because I could not wrap my mind around a God who actually loves and wants to be with us! In my eyes, Revelation was all about doom, gloom and destruction with the exception of a select few that God tolerated.


Fast forward many years, experiences, and opportunities. Without going into the details (a story for another day), there is a reason I accepted God’s call to be a pastor. I am honored to be in a space that allows me to share God’s redemptive, unconditional and empowering love with others as we discover and grow into all God has called and created us to be!


Today, when I hear the word Revelation, I get excited and am filled with hope! Revelation reminds us (and all who have gone before us) that “God is with us,” that God cares and that no matter how bad things get, evil will not prevail.


The Book of Revelation opens a window into some of the most harrowing moments of the early church at a time when all hope seemed lost. Written in the tradition of the prophets of old (with around 500 allusions to the Old Testament), it offers insight and inspiration to all of God’s people, beginning with those who lived through the events described in its pages. Revelation then invites us to use our imaginations, place ourselves in the midst of those events and ask ourselves, what does this mean for us today?


If you have ever wondered what Revelation is all about, we welcome you to join us on Sunday mornings at 8:30AM in the Teen Center as we peer through the window and seek to understand together!


Grace & Peace,


Pastor Justin


The Blessing Chair


How sweet the sound