A Love Like No Other

Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter Sunday is when we reflect on the important events and acts of Jesus leading up to His death, waiting, and resurrection. We often mention on Sundays that we cannot have a resurrection without a death. This week shouldn't be skipped over or taken lightly. Without this week and Jesus' sacrifice, there is no salvation. There is no redemption. There is no new life. As hard as it may be to journey through it, Holy Week is a necessary time of reflection to remember just how immense God’s love for us truly is.

Many of you may feel God's love strongly as we journey through this emotional week, and others may question how much God loves them. Perhaps it’s been a season of struggle, loss, depression, anxiety, or overwhelming emotions and circumstances. This article is mostly for you and to remind you this week of the extent God will go to demonstrate His love for you.

We attempted to convey this truth in song yesterday in worship as we combined two very powerful songs in a mashup, "Reckless Love" and "Rescue." Some people question the lyrics of "Reckless Love," saying God is not reckless. I don't believe He is a reckless God, but the way He loves is beyond comprehension. How could He love me before I ever existed, knowing full well that I would fail, question, or possibly deny Him? How is love like this possible? The dictionary defines reckless as "utterly unconcerned about the consequences." When you think of it this way, God's love for you and me is reckless. He is utterly unconcerned about the risk involved in loving us. His love is not concerned about our failure or weakness. His love does not waiver when we are feeling lost or alone.

To that point, Jesus shares a parable in Matthew 18 about how God is unwilling to let us perish alone. Like the good shepherd in the parable, if one sheep out of a hundred wanders away, he will leave the ninety-nine to find the one. Why? Because that is who God is. He cares for each of us as if there were only one. When Jesus gave His life on that cross, He died for you as if you were the only one He was dying for.

Before Jesus was crucified, He told His disciples a time was coming when He would no longer be with them. Jesus didn’t want them to be scared about this but wanted them to have peace in his absence. In Matthew 16:33, He told them,

"In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

These words leading up to His death were foreshadowing for the disciples and us today. This life has its hardships. It is a fact we all know. Whether you have been a Christian for decades or are still unsure about this whole "God thing," I want you to remember and know the depth of which you are loved. You don't have to believe in God for Him to love you. He died for you, regardless. During each season of life, He loves you. In success or failure, He cares for you.

While it may be hard to see and feel that love at times because the weight of the world makes it nearly impossible to feel anything else, know that His love does not change. He hears you. He has never forgotten you. He sees you. The words of Rescue say it best:


I will send out an army to find you

In the middle of the darkest night

It’s true, I will rescue you

I will never stop marching to reach you

In the middle of the hardest fight

It’s true, I will rescue you


Remember this week that you are not alone. You are never alone. God proves this by making the greatest sacrifice anyone has made or ever will make. He gave His one and only Son for you so that you might have new life. Remember where your strength comes from when you feel unworthy, unloved, or overwhelmed.

His love for you is overwhelming, never-ending, and cannot be earned or taken away. It just is and will always be.

You are a loved child of God,

April Bergez

Worship Leader


A time to rest


Embracing humility