United by the Holy Spirit

“Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.  And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit!  The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, for all whom the Lord our God calls to himself.’” Acts 2:38-39.

This scripture passage was part of Peter’s first public message after receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.  Before Pentecost (and after His resurrection), Jesus had spent 40 days teaching the disciples about the Kingdom of God.  He then promised that He would not abandon them but send the Holy Spirit to empower them as His witnesses.


As Peter spoke, a crowd gathered.  They were amazed and confused because each one heard Peter’s message in their native language!  They couldn’t understand what was happening and assumed Peter and the disciples were “under the influence.” Peter boldly let them know they were witnessing the power of the Holy Spirit!  He then revealed to the crowd that they and everyone else could be part of Jesus’ Kingdom if they so chose.


As believers, we often strive to share the Good News of God’s Kingdom through Jesus on our strength.  Instead, we should rely on the gift of the Holy Spirit to lead and empower us, just like God used Peter to address the crowd.  God desires to work through us.  As He does, He provides opportunities, letting others know they, too, can be part of His Kingdom.


And when we, as followers of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, come together in ministry for God’s purpose, it makes a bigger impact in our lives and the lives of others and our community.  And, through the Holy Spirit’s power, we can do greater things than we ever could, especially when we are united!


We witnessed this firsthand this past week during our Hillspring Summer Day Camp.  Our Hillspring staff, 35 wonderful volunteers, and 88 amazing kids came together in Jesus' name.  Every need, area, and activity was covered!  Our campus shook with energy as our After School Matters and Hillspring kids came alongside each other!  Together they sang, heard Bible stories, played games, and enjoyed water activities - all united through Jesus!  It created an awesome experience for all who participated.


Each child left feeling loved and encouraged.  Many friendships and connections were made!  I hope every child went home and shared their personal experience with their family and friends.


One of our most powerful tools when ministering is our personal experience with Jesus.  This experience grows our faith, allowing us to take bigger risks and share with others.


As leaders, we can only do so much.  We can plan and prepare, but ultimately, God does the work!  We recognize that it is only through the Holy Spirit’s power that everything comes together to expand God’s Kingdom!  He brings the people and does the internal work to bring them closer to Him.  Our job is to show up and share!


It’s an honor and privilege to witness when someone wants to take their next step in faith.  We experienced this when some of our kids chose to be baptized this past Sunday during worship.  Before they are baptized, our kids go through classes, learning what baptism is all about.  The entire process is a decision and commitment they make for themselves.  We are here to help guide them, knowing God has already been at work, lovingly nudging them along.


The Baptisms we witnessed this past week came at a perfect time.  In a way, it kicked off a new class we are starting for kids going into 5th grade and older.  We are calling it “The Journey!” It is a one-year program designed to help them understand who God is, who they are, and what it means to follow Jesus.  It is also another opportunity for us to partner with God as it involves family, friends, and our entire Hillspring community.


My summer prayer is that our kids can grow in their faith as they slowdown from the busyness of school schedules and activities.  I invite you to partner with us in this prayer as we continue ministering to them this summer.  We know it is an honor, and we take very seriously the trust God and families have placed in us to partner with them in leading and deepening our kids' faith in Jesus!


Serving Him Together,

Grimelda Sanchez

Associate Pastor


Welcome Steve Lewis


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