Wellness Ministry
Where purpose and perseverance move us toward optimal health as we pursue our God-given potential!
Pickleball is a paddle sport that blends tennis, badminton, and table tennis, using a plastic ball and paddles on a smaller court suitable for all ages.
Join us on Sunday evenings from 6 to 8PM.
How Can I get Involved with F.M.S.?
Regular Training Sessions:
Each session is an hour (plus or minus 10 minutes).
Session Times: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 9:15AM and 5:30PM / Saturday at 5:30AM on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month and 7:00AM all other Saturdays.
Please note there is NO 9:15 class the 1st Thursday of each month due to mobile market.
To get started or to find out more about our Training Sessions please click the Email Justin button below:
FMS Training
FMS stands for functional, mobility, strength and stability training.
FMS combines joint mobility with intentional movement patterns using unique tools in protocols designed to efficiently maximize results/benefits. Tools used range from body weight, to maces, kettlebells, clubs, and slam/medicine balls.
Our desire is to create healthy habits, build a supportive community and empower all involved to own their health and live into life as God intends!
FMS is designed for all fitness levels and ages (12+). We are all in different spaces and places with different challenges and circumstances. Whether it’s getting up and down without assistance, being able to move pain free, relieving stress or training for a triathlon – FMS can help you get there!
FMS is also designed to be mobile! This means that once you understand the “what, why and how” behind FMS you can do it anywhere: at your local fitness club, at home, outside, at hotels, etc. In other words, no matter where you are, your journey can continue!
Life Martial Arts Training
“Building confidence through knowledge in mind, honesty in heart and strength in body.”
Life Martial Arts Training focuses on a traditional Okinawan Karate style known as Shudokan. Shudokan is an eclectic system comprised of empty hand, foot and body techniques, as well as weapons, grappling and ground defense. In addition, due to the unique background and expertise of the Black Belt instructors, Life Martial Arts Training also introduces participants to self defense, forms and techniques from other martial arts styles.
Our goal is to build relationships through martial arts! And, with over 100 years combined experience in martial arts, our leadership team is passionate and ready to help you grow!
L-MAT Workshops
L-MAT is a unique twist on the name Life (L) Martial (M) Arts (A) Training (T). L-MAT Workshops are monthly martial arts workshops open to all who want to know and experience more in the world of martial arts. Each month will present a different aspect of martial arts from different styles, to disarmament, to awareness, to… you name it! It is an informal gathering and a great way to “get your feet wet” and see if Life Martial Arts Training is something you want to explore on a deeper level!
Register for Life Martial Arts Training & BIOMAT
Life Martial Arts
Classes: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00PM.
Cost: $30/month per person or $50/month per family.
Workshops: 4th Saturday of every month at 9AM.
No cost.
Badger Mountain Hikes
We love exploring! We love being active! We love connecting, encouraging and growing with each other! AND we love being outdoors, in the midst of God’s creation!
Enter Badger Mountain hikes!
On the first and third Saturdays of each month, we gather at the Badger Mountain Parking Lot (525 Queensgate Drive, Richland, WA 99352) at 7AM and hike Badger Mountain together! All ages and fitness levels are welcome (youth under 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian). Dress appropriately and bring proper nutrition/hydration.
Please note all hikes are subject to safe weather/environmental conditions.