Being the church in real time
When I was a kid, we lived on a farm and produced potatoes, wheat, and peas. Aside from a few cattle, the profit from those crops was our only income. We didn't have a fixed monthly paycheck, but at the end of each harvest, the bank…
The Long Way Home
I am so excited for the weeks and months to come! Covid 19 is not entirely in our rearview mirror, but I feel this Easter we are stepping out of a tomb that has held us at bay this past year. To be honest…
The time between
Have you ever longed for someone but knew you were separated from them by their will or their circumstances, and you were at their mercy? No matter how much you longed for things to be different, your longing couldn't solve the situation or bring the desired resolution. Maybe it was…
You are not alone
Have you ever been in a place either emotionally, physically, mentally, or otherwise where you felt like you were completely isolated? Like no one was around? Even in a crowded room, did you feel alone?
How do you see?
What preferences or beliefs keep you disconnected from others?
Please take a moment and think about it.
This was the question posed to our youth last week during youth group. The question was posed as a primer for the scripture passage we were studying that evening.
Feeling inconvenienced? Get over it!
Have you ever felt inconvenienced by the smallest of things? I am embarrassed to admit it, but that is how I recently felt at work. I was feeling aggravated that someone requested something of me that I considered a hassle. Wow, who on earth did I think I was?
Due to the pandemic, we experienced Ash Wednesday differently this year. In past years, we‘ve gathered as a community in observance of this solemn day's significance. Since it was a virtual gathering, we could not receive the sign of the cross on our foreheads.
This week marks our journey of Lent, the 40 day season of preparing ourselves for Jesus’ resurrection on Easter morning.
I usually preach a series of messages on something like the spiritual disciplines or the meaning of the cross during Lent. Many Christians incorporate fasting or give up something for Lent to remember Jesus’ 40 day fast in the wilderness. Other Christians might…
Faithful God
I can’t seem to write these articles without talking about music or a song that is resonating with me. Back in October of last year, one of my favorite bands, I AM THEY, put out a new album with a song titled “Faithful God.” I mean, great title for a song!
Understanding humility
What pops into your head when you hear that word?
When I was younger, words like timid, quiet, and weak came to mind. I never associated it with strength, responsibility, or any other potentially positive idea…
The gift of inclusivity
It's only through Jesus that we can receive this invitation to this inclusivity.
In the Old Testament, we read that God chose a specific people, set apart to live holy lives pleasing to Him and to be witnesses to the world. In the New Testament, we see…
Turn back
Yesterday I received a call from a friend of mine who lives down in the Dominican Republic. She wanted me to know she has been praying for our country to have a smooth transition of power and for things to calm down but wasn't sure "God was hearing her right now." She then went on to say…
The “Christmas Church” in 2020
I remember the first time I heard someone refer to our church as “The Christmas Church.” I was at Costco, and someone introduced me to a friend as the new pastor at their church. Their friend told me that they had been to the Living Nativity many times, and their family called us “The Christmas Church.” How cool is that?
The Anticipation
This time of year is generally full of anticipation. From a child's perspective, it is the anticipation of Christmas Day, with presents under the tree calling out to be unwrapped. The waiting is almost unbearable!
A love like no other
Obviously, there are a lot of miraculous and impressive stories throughout the Bible. There is the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt by Exodus. There is Jesus walking on the water and calming the storm. There’s Paul’s conversion from being a murderous, hateful, Jewish zealot to being one of Christ’s primary apostles. I find all of them…
God with us
What a year! It wasn't too long ago (or was it?!) we talked about 2020 as the year of clear vision! There was so much excitement and hope about the future.
And then the unexpected happened…
Above and beyond
Last week, we honored the brave men and women who serve and have served in the armed forces. Throughout our history, they have protected the values and liberties of this great country.