Canceling comfort culture

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A long time ago, in what seems like a galaxy far, far away (or California, pre covid in the early ’90s), I remember hanging out with Barry in his office. Barry was (and is) an amazing guy and a passionate follower of Jesus. He was in charge of our Inner Varsity Chapter at Sonoma State University, where I received my bachelor’s degree. In Barry’s office was a saying, or more a symbol, posted on his wall in a prominent spot that couldn’t be missed. That saying was the word “comfort” written in big letters with a giant red circle around it. That circle then had a huge line going diagonally through the center, crossing the word comfort out. The first time I asked him about it, he said it was to remind himself (and anyone else who entered his study space) that we were not created to be comfortable. I thought that was interesting because, at that time, most people I knew were pursuing comfort as the ultimate goal in life. Get a good job and make good money to afford nice things so you could do what you want when you want. When I asked Barry more about it, he reminded me that real growth, real change happened when we were outside our comfort zones. We don’t advance, we don’t move forward, and the world doesn’t change (through our doing) when we are comfortable. The last thing he said that I can recall from that conversation was simple. He said, “think about it.” Honestly, I didn’t want to because even the thought of it made me uncomfortable (insert awkward uneasy laughter here).

The truth is, I have thought about that moment a lot through the years, especially the last couple. A large amount of change has hit us as a whole and has created a trend that worries me. That trend has recently been given a name: “cancel culture.” The name says it all. When we don’t like something, or when something makes us uncomfortable, cancel it! In other words, ignore it, “ghost it,” make fun of it or completely destroy it. Do whatever you have to do to reject it and not deal with it so you can return to your “safe space” and be comfortable. Social media hasn’t helped at all either because it has been intentionally designed to reinforce what we already believe and tell us what we want to hear. This, in turn, makes us even more apt to “cancel” any idea, relationship, truth or view that makes us uncomfortable.

We know where this story ends. We have experienced it a lot in recent years. Broken relationships, division at unparalleled levels, one-sided conversations falling on deaf ears, and an increase in adult children who throw temper tantrums when they don’t get their way – just to name a few.

This is not the Kingdom life God has called us to live! It is not the way of Jesus! Time and time again, God called His people out of their comfort zones to create, heal, restore, advance, and reveal! Take a moment and think about the names we know in the scriptures; Abraham, Sarah, Moses, David, Daniel, Esther, Mary, Peter, Paul – you get the idea.

And then there is Jesus, who sacrificed Himself to bring us life. Who told us:

It is more important to reconcile with those who have something against us than to remain in worship (Matthew 5:23-24).

To forgive infinitely (Matthew 18:21-35).

To love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:43-44).

We would be his witnesses to the entire world (Acts 1:8).

In this world you will have trouble but take heart because I have overcome it (John 16:33).

You see, we were NOT created to be a part of the cancel culture. We were not created to sit safely in our comfort zones. According to the Apostle Paul, “we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

I love that Pastor Bryan preached on David and Goliath this past Sunday. What would have happened if David had not risked and challenged the giant in front of him? How many lives were impacted because David was willing to be uncomfortable and risk?

What about you?

What giants do you need to face?

What comfort zones do you need to leave behind?

Where do you need to risk?

May we be a people who follow Jesus’ example and love sacrificially, confront injustice, seek reconciliation at all costs and pursue God’s Kingdom instead of safe zones and comfort. May we be a people who “cancel the cancel culture.”

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Justin


Feeling inconvenienced? Get over it!

