You are not alone

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Have you ever been in a place either emotionally, physically, mentally, or otherwise where you felt like you were completely isolated? Like no one was around? Even in a crowded room, did you feel alone?

I can say that I have been there a few times during my 34 and a half years of life. I can tell you very specifically about moments when I felt completely lost and helpless in a situation or weighed down by burdens. Being the independent, stubborn, strong-willed gal that I am, I would not tell anyone how bad I felt. I wouldn't even bring my baggage to God because I felt like He had bigger things to do. There were hungry people worldwide, children were hurting, and people were dying of diseases or tragic deaths. You know, the big stuff.

But did you know that each time I was in this incredibly low state of mind and spirit, God was right there with me? He so wanted me to finally give up the fight and let Him do what great dads do: Fight for me. Love me. Drop everything He was doing to wrap His arms around me and let me know I am never, ever alone.

When you are in those dark moments, it can be hard to lay down your pride to accept help and admit you cannot do it alone. At least that's the case for me. I will say, though, as hard as it is to let go and let others, including God, carry me through a storm in life, it is incredibly freeing and humbling to watch what happens when I do just that. 

You see, at some point in my life, I began to tell myself this lie that God made me more self-sufficient than others. It wasn't to make me better than others but to make me more available to help others when they are hurting. I believed I was made with a "crunchier" exterior to endure and be strong for others. If you know me at all, you know that I am crunchy and strong, but I have an ooey, gooey center as well.

The problem is, I made myself believe I was supposed to be this stoic, unrealistic Marvel superhero knockoff when God just wanted me to be His daughter. Yes, I am fearfully and wonderfully made, but that doesn't mean I have to fight alone. It doesn't mean that when I feel real emotion, real pain, and real isolation, God wants to sit back and watch to see how I handle the situation. It isn't always a test. A test is, can I not go to the freezer to eat ice cream after the kids go to bed more than two nights a week.

When we feel like the world is caving in around us, we should never assume this is a test or a moment where we have to go it alone. We should never believe lies that say, "This problem isn't big enough for God," or "My friends will think I am weak or lame if I share how I am feeling." Those are lies!

This last year has been tough on so many. Thankfully, my family has not experienced the struggles many around the globe have endured over the previous 12 months. We haven't been hungry, and we still have jobs and a roof over our heads. Our house is warm, and we have clothes to wear and transportation. We have had each other.

But if you are reading this and are struggling, I want you to know you are never, ever alone. I tell my kids this often. We are all kids, no matter how "old" we are. Even if our bones are a little achier, we are a little slower, and we don't see or hear as well anymore; we are still God's children. He wants you to know you are not alone. Everywhere you go, He is right there with you. Nothing you are going through is too big for Him.

If you feel like you can't go on and that no one cares or would understand what you are going through, stop telling yourself that lie. God cares for you more than you could ever imagine. He made you in His image. He made you the perfect person that you are. He cares enough about you that He sent His son, Jesus, to die for you. God gave everything for you!

If you are like me, when I have been in a low place at different moments in my life, sometimes my first step was to have a conversation with God in my car, parked someplace where no one would bother me. More or less, I just needed a place where no one would see me completely breakdown and cry (literally) to God.

Every single time I have finally given up the fight in those moments, God just poured this peace over me. I felt like a weight had been lifted off of my whole body. A weight that I chose to carry, not one that God was making me carry. I just finally asked for help.

The distance we experienced last year has been challenging for so many. Just know, wherever you are, God is also there. You do not have to do life alone.

Not only is God with you, but He has placed amazing people around you who love you and want to be there for you. I know that can be hard right now while we are socially distancing, but we have amazing technology that helps us stay connected and not feel isolated.

Remember, as we approach Holy Week, that God gave everything for you. He loves and cares for you beyond comprehension.

To those of you who feel pretty good about life right now, I challenge you to send at least one encouraging text or make one meaningful phone call over the next few days. Lift someone up just by letting them know someone is thinking about them.

Wherever you are, you are not alone.

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.

Exodus 14:14

Be the light,

April Bergez

Worship Leader


The time between


How do you see?