Three little words

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Three little words can change your life forever. Every watershed event in my life started with three little words. Some were exciting, and some were devastating. I do know they were all life-changing.  


My brother and his two best friends were killed in a car-train accident when I was 14, and unfortunately, my parents were out of town. My friend and I were on a walk when her father pulled up alongside us.  All I heard were three words "Don't Tell Her.” He didn't want to be the one delivering the devasting news. It was unavoidable to keep it from me. The father figure in him tried to protect me from how life would change with the reality that would soon happen. 


When my father's health began to decline due to his aggressive cancer and my mother could not care for him, my family had to make some hard decisions. We decided when his passing was close, we would move him to my brother's house in Bellingham and Hospice would make house visits. He was very aware of what that trip meant.  When that day came, all my dad could say was, "No, not yet.” Hearing the man who you thought was Superman say those words was heartbreaking. Knowing the inevitable was very close, I flew to Bellingham to say goodbye. As soon as I arrived, I put my face next to his and said, “Peggy is here," and not long after that, he passed away. Although traumatic, knowing God allowed my father to live until I arrived was a blessing—two more examples of three-word phrases that changed my life.


My two favorite three-word phrases were “It’s a girl” and “It’s a boy.” When I was having my babies, we didn't have gender-reveal parties. We had to wait until the doctor made the much-awaited announcement of the gender. Those three little words when our daughter was born were overwhelming. It was the same overwhelming feeling when our son was born.  The miracle of birth never gets old. Now that we have two grandsons, the three little words of I Love You” continue for the next generation. They have blessed our lives in ways we couldn't comprehend. 


As Executive Pastor, I had the opportunity to be part of the Board of Elders' task of choosing our new Values and Mission Statement. There were so many ideas and descriptions on who we are and who we felt God wanted us to be, we filled both whiteboards in the conference room with thoughts on how best to describe Hillspring. After much discernment and prayer, it was overwhelmingly evident that the simple phrase of “Live, Love, Grow” defines God’s plan for Hillspring. Those three little words have deep meaning and speak volumes of who we are.  


Live – As followers of Jesus, we pursue life as God intends. Therefore, we are on an on-going mission to discover our part in God’s story and join in God’s work in the world.

Love – We celebrate the joy that can be found only through nurturing authentic relationships. 

Grow – We are committed to growing in our relationship with God and becoming more like Jesus. 


I pray the three words that carry you through everything in life are "Jesus Loves You," especially for the times in your life journey when other words will change you in ways you hadn’t expected. “Jesus Loves You will always be the ultimate three-word phrase. I pray that you genuinely believe and fully understand the sacrifices Jesus made to convey the love He has for us. There are many ways Jesus has shown us that He loves us, but nothing compares to Jesus dying on the cross. That love was so intense and sacrificial it is incomprehensible. As a parent and grandparent, it is unthinkable to sacrifice the most important people in my life for someone else, but that is what Jesus did for us. 


When I reflect on the watershed moments in my life, I understand that Jesus Loves Me, and I pray you never forgot how much Jesus Loves You too.



Peggy Zumhofe

Executive Pastor


Understanding humility


The gift of inclusivity