We are family
I love our country similar to how I love my family.
Our family has an incredible bond, and we really prioritize and enjoy being with each other. Whether you were born in, married in, or just happen to be a good friend, we love to create space to just be with each other and share our connected identity. We come together for holidays and celebrations, graduations and weddings. We always have…
They will know…
On New Year’s Eve, Tami and I continued a tradition we’ve kept for over 25 years. We had fondue with friends. We were all excited about 2020. I think everyone was. Now I look back and think, who could have seen the realities we’ve had to deal with in the last ten months? An Impeachment. A Pandemic. Racial Divisions and Riots. Economic decline. Working from home. Zoom meetings. School closures. Business Closures. A presidential election…
Battle Belongs
I absolutely love the new song we introduced this past Sunday called Battle Belongs by Phil Wickham. Just as I do with each new song that we sing, I searched for the "why" behind the song. I love knowing the stories and scripture that inspire the songwriters. Learning about how a song was written helps me…
Blame or compassion?
There are certain days when we want someone to blame for life's issues. It's called the blame-game, and a game without any winners. We've all played it at one time or another. We do something risky, unwise, or costly, and…
What will reign in you?
Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a reoccurring theme continually surfacing in my world. The theme of idols. Not the wooden, golden, or concrete trinkets or statues one may imagine, but the…
The ‘why’ below the surface
Have you ever had the experience where you read a section of Scripture you have read a ton of times, and all of a sudden, you see something different? I was reading about the faith of the centurion in Luke 7 this week and suddenly…
Act of faith
Have you ever had the experience where you read a section of Scripture you have read a ton of times, and all of a sudden, you see something different? I was reading about the faith of the centurion in Luke 7 this week and suddenly…
Best birthday ever
A few weeks ago, I celebrated my 34th birthday. Thank you to everyone who wished me a "Happy Birthday!" I have to say this was by far the best birthday I've ever had for so many reasons. You might be thinking, …
Hold Fast
A week ago, our staff gathered together to share lunch and talk about the fall. Nothing we haven't done many times before, but everything was different. We met outside, masked up, we socially distanced; one staff joined us via Zoom because she is teaching her child at home. That's a staff planning lunch in the era of Covid 19. But what hadn't changed was…
Are You Living an Abundant Life?
The fall season has always been my favorite time of the year. The morning air is crisp and fresh; the beautiful autumn colors are beginning to appear. It's usually the time we look forward to…
Be the hope
Next week, school starts for the vast majority of our youth. Under normal circumstances, it is a time of anticipation as new grades, new classes, new friends, and new opportunities arise.
The garden and the Gardener
This week, I was sitting with my husband on my patio, admiring our backyard. For several months now, I have been working on my flower garden (a project I took on during quarantine), which has required a lot of manual labor and patience.