Being the church in real time

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 When I was a kid, we lived on a farm and produced potatoes, wheat, and peas. Aside from a few cattle, the profit from those crops was our only income. We didn't have a fixed monthly paycheck, but at the end of each harvest, the bank would issue one check representing the net profit. Anyone familiar with farming understands the "feast or famine" concept. Of course, that amount seemed enormous at my young age when in reality, it was just a pittance to be divided between the upcoming twelve months. 


I have no idea if my parents tithed off of that amount, but I did receive a quarter each week for the offering plate. I still have the crocheted coin purse my grandma made for me to hold those quarters. I was so proud to sit in “big church” and put my quarter in the plate as it went by each week. The thought that my tiny hometown church had a budget and ministry expenses did not even enter my mind. All I knew was my 25 cents was going to God. 


Once we were parents, Daryl and I continued with the tradition of giving our kids a few quarters each week for the offering and started our discipline of tithing. We raised our family at Hillspring and were very aware of the beautiful campus and the missions the church supported. However, the idea of a church budget and the ministry expenses attached to “being the church” was still not a reality. 


Fast forward to being on staff and overseeing the annual budget.  The concept of ministry expenses became a reality very quickly. It still makes me laugh how years before, our young son was curious about what the pastors did for their "real” jobs. As with most churches, our weekly tithe can fluctuate greatly depending on the time of year, pay periods, the message, or even the unlikely possibility of a pandemic shutting down the nation for one year. The third week of March 2020 was the beginning of a scary time for everyone, including Hillspring. Amid so much uncertainty, our church family stepped up like never before. 


“Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints. And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will.”  2 Corinthians 8:2-5


In those first few months, when we weren't able to meet in-person, and it was unknown whether our regular tithes would continue, we immediately cut expenses as much as possible. We had to learn the latest technology quickly to stay in contact with those we worshiped with each week.  While we were learning new technology, so was our congregation. Many adopted tithing through our online platforms allowing us to continue our ministries but in a whole new way. Others sent their tithes through the mail and often included an encouraging note.  The prayers and support have been overwhelming. A simple “thank you” doesn’t seem sufficient to express our gratitude for how our Hillspring family has responded. 


It was pretty apparent that the pandemic would affect not only Hillspring and the community at large, but also our friends in Honduras. It was obvious we needed to do something, so we took a bold step into faith and decided to dedicate each fifth Sunday’s offering to emergency relief for the needs of East Kennewick, Eastgate Elementary, and Honduras. We didn't know what to expect with so much unemployment and sickness, but we knew God would provide, and He certainly did. Thanks to the generosity of so many, those funds have grown to $160,000, enabling us to continue the monthly mobile market, help fund the Tri-Cities Food Bank, subsidize families at Eastgate Elementary with basic needs, and support our friends in Honduras. 


It’s always been an honor and humbling experience to be part of the Hillspring leadership, but this last year during an unknown future, witnessing our family putting the needs of others above themselves has been a beautiful blessing. 


Thank you, Hillspring family. 



Peggy Zumhofe

Executive Pastor




The Long Way Home