Above and beyond
Your donations to the community closet at Park Middle School make a difference! Thank you!
Last week, we honored the brave men and women who serve and have served in the armed forces. Throughout our history, they have protected the values and liberties of this great country.
The theme for this year’s Veteran’s Day is: “Vision: Veterans in Focus.” “Looking back on centuries of Veterans’ service and sacrifice and what we have learned from the past, we must always maintain the vision for the future of Veterans. Putting the Veterans at the center, on Veterans Day, we continue to honor all who served, while focusing on the needs of the next generations of veterans." – VA Statement.
We should be very thankful everyday for the men and women who have served our country so selflessly. Veteran’s Day is an opportunity to recognize their commitment. Beautiful things happen when we focus on others rather than on ourselves. Together we can bring something meaningful and impactful to our communities.
I was so proud and moved the first time I witnessed Hillspring honor the men and women in our church who have served in the military. It was overwhelming to see how many were standing to accept our thanks. Our Veterans voluntarily serve the United States to protect this great nation. Many have continued to serve in our community and our church. Their service didn’t end when they hung up their uniform. It is our responsibility as citizens to honor their service.
When I became a United States citizen, I vowed to become a responsible citizen by respecting and obeying federal, state, and local laws. Respecting the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others is part of that responsibility. It's an honor to live out those responsibilities, but I strive for something more beautiful. I am reminded of the Apostle Paul when he said:
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above ourselves, not looking to your interests but each of you to the interest of the others." Philippians 2:3
This attitude is evident in many of our church members who are veterans. Art King is an active mentor and volunteer at Park Middle School. He recently approached us with a need at the school for clothing and shoes for teens. I brought this request to our Women's Bible Study, and, like always, they rose to the occasion and went above and beyond. It was so successful that we ended up with a trailer full of clothes for the school, including $250 for their matching funds' program. Counselors at Park Middle School were excited and appreciative that their clothing closet was full. Art is just one example of how our veterans continue serving after they hang up the uniform. We are so proud that our Hillspring veterans go the extra mile to fill this church's needs and the needs of our community.
I want to encourage you that if God is nudging you to fill a need, be obedient, for God will use you in extraordinary ways to be a blessing for our church and our community.
Grimelda Sanchez
Associate Pastor