Our Father in heaven
There are several questions that I like to ask people when I’m getting to know them. One of my favorites is the question, “What is the story behind your first Bible?”
Lent is upon us
One of my favorite Christian moments during the year happens to be Ash Wednesday. Historically, Ash Wednesday has been the day Christians all over the world came face to face with their mortality.
Time Only Moves in One Direction
Qualities of children are innocent, pure, receptive, eager to learn, and a perfect Our current sermon series is on the Beatitudes. Each message has given me a better understanding of…
The power of Love
I have a fascination with local radio. I might be the only millennial to still listen to a car radio. (I also have CDs that aren't very "millennial" of me either.) Local radio is a good way to…
A Fruitful Life
This week we started our Women's Bible Study on the book of John, chapter 15. I am really excited that we will embark on this journey of…
Where would I be
It may seem like a cop-out for the worship leader to write about a song she loves every time it is her turn to write the weekly blog, but I can't help it! I love this new…
What is your answer?
The other day, I was listening to a podcast between two Christian scholars/theologians. They were discussing various reasons why people were walking away from the Christian faith. Many reasons were given, some of which you may have experienced yourself:
Be Happy Attitudes
My New Year’s prayer for our church family is that we see the new year as an opportunity to grow significantly as followers of Jesus. That is the reason for our new series on Jesus’ Beatitudes, The Be Happy Attitudes.
Relationships are roots
A couple weeks ago, we came to church and found one of our trees doing what trees are not supposed to do:
Hope is alive
Every year I start preparing for Christmas in the summer when things aren't quite so hectic. Yes, this means when you are setting off fireworks that I am listening to "Joy to the World." I sometimes joke that I'm a Scrooge before Thanksgiving because of this, but…
What are you waiting for?
When you hear the word “Advent,” what comes to mind?
As I grew up, Advent filled my mind with colorful stained-glass windows, giant archways, and formal mass celebrations. I honestly thought Advent was…
Name your blessings
I love the old hymns. I appreciate them even more when I know the backstories behind the words.
These are the words of…
Trust the Lord in all things
Hillspring has been my church home for many years, including almost twelve on staff. The Hillspring community has been…
What do you want to be?
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
That question never bothered me when I was a little kid, but as I got older and reality started to set in and my options narrowed, the question started to make me cringe.
Stay on mission
This past Sunday, we talked about what it means to give our hands to Jesus. Jesus wants our hearts, he wants our minds, but he also wants our hands: we are called to actually do good as Christians.
Let it be today
We’ve introduced a new song in worship recently called “Hymn of Heaven” by Phil Wickham. From the very start of the song, I…
My cup overflows
Seven years ago, a close friend of mine was diagnosed with brain cancer, and the doctors gave her…
How do we worship?
As much as I love summer, there is nothing like a morning walk on a crisp fall morning. I always feel…
What does Jesus say about you?
“If I had only...”
“Why didn’t I…”
“I should have done…”
How many times have we said these to ourselves?