Our Father in heaven

There are several questions that I like to ask people when I’m getting to know them. One of my favorites is the question, “What is the story behind your first Bible?” Those stories are sacred! I still have the Bible my mother read to me when I was very young. Another favorite is, “What does the Lord’s Prayer mean to you?” Again, my mom taught me the Lord’s Prayer at a very early age, but I got the idea after a very dear friend named Margaret (she was kind of an adopted grandmother) told me the story of when she almost died in a hospital. It was a turning point in her walk with Christ.

She said at the time she was a ‘non-practicing Christian’ who was raised in a church as a little girl. Reflecting back on that long night, she didn’t know what would happen and she was scared. She wanted to pray but she didn’t know how. Then she remembered the Lord’s Prayer from Sunday School. She told me she repeated the prayer all night long, over and over. She said it had been years but somehow she remembered every word. She said the Lord’s Prayer was a gift from God to her, and that long night was a turning point in her faith journey. She told me God worked through every aspect of her stay and she credited the Lord’s Prayer for healing of both body and spirit. 

Ever since, I’ve heard a huge range of stories about the Lord’s Prayer over the years that have impacted me immensely. I remember when a World War II vet named Tom from my first church shared his story of the Lord’s Prayer. It happened when Saving Private Ryan came out. His wife went to see the movie, but he he didn’t watch it. He invited me over while she went to the theater with a friend. I already knew he drove landing craft back and forth from offshore ships to the beach at Normandy. I had spent a lot of time with him and up to then he never wanted to share much about D Day, he just wanted me to know he was there and what he did. That changed while his wife was at the movie. He told me he recited the Lord’s Prayer over and over for hours as he saw the men he dropped off perish over and over as they left his boat. Then he had to go back to get more men and start the cycle all over again. He told me The Lord’s Prayer is the only thing that got him through. He didn’t mean it was the only thing that got him through that day. The prayer kept getting him through that day as he revisited that beach in his memories again and again. 

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

These words have meant so much to so many over the centuries. What’s your story with the Lord’s Prayer? What do these words mean to you? Have you spent much time reflecting on this prayer? This week we begin the journey of Lent, a season of preparation for Easter. I’m excited to journey through the Lord’s Prayer with you as we prepare our hearts for Jesus’ resurrection. We will preach through the prayer Sunday mornings and we’ll also have a discussion class on Wednesday nights. Please join us as we grow in our understanding of Jesus’ prayer. 

In Christ, your pastor,

Bryan White 


Happy anniversary


Lent is upon us