Tami White Tami White

Written on my heart

Visiting our grandsons in “Tornado Alley,” also known as Oklahoma, is always a blessing. Yes, we were there during a fun-filled week of tornados and thunderstorms. While the parental figures were on a much-needed vacation in the Bahamas, we went on a road trip to Dallas. Our daughter from Seattle joined us as an extra bonus.

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Justin Porter Justin Porter

the Bible Unwrapped

The Holy Book. God’s Word. God’s love letter to us. Basic instructions before leaving Earth. These were some of the terms used to describe the Bible as I grew up. I was even taught…

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Peggy Zumhofe Peggy Zumhofe

Life of worship

With the blessing of growing up in a small farming community in the '50s and '60s, my childhood was akin to a Norman Rockwell painting. The TV did not get turned on until the 6:00 news, and we ate our meals at the table. Sundays always included…

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