Written on my heart

Visiting our grandsons in “Tornado Alley,” also known as Oklahoma, is always a blessing. Yes, we were there during a fun-filled week of tornados and thunderstorms. While the parental figures were on a much-needed vacation in the Bahamas, we went on a road trip to Dallas. Our daughter from Seattle joined us as an extra bonus. 

In just a few days, we explored what Dallas had to offer. One of our stops was the Dallas Air and Space Museum. Our 13-year-old grandson is a member of the Civil Air Patrol, so the museum was especially interesting to him and Papa Daryl. We visited the Ft. Worth Stockyards and attended a medieval dinner and jousting show. As someone who is intrigued with the Kennedy “Camelot” era, visiting Dealey Plaza, the location of President Kennedy’s assassination, was incredibly moving. Even with the solemness of the museum, my eight-year-old grandson brought joy to my heart when he was so excited to see a group of grandmas at Dealey Plaza and said, “Look, Grandma, there’s a bunch of you!” Visiting the sites of Dallas was great, but the best part was watching our grandsons “hang on” their auntie. When it comes down to it, family time is what really matters. 

After a nail-biting trek from Dallas to Tulsa during the tornado, we had a week of relaxation and more family time. We are so proud of how our son and daughter-in-law are raising our two grandsons. They definitely have chores and are expected to participate in their Christ-centered home. On their dining room wall, they have 23 Bible verses explained in simple yet meaningful ways. Three of my favorite wall hangings were Joyfulness, Gratitude, and Kindness: 


“Joyfulness is being happy inside and out.”

1. I will look for good in things.

2. I will not give in to discouragement.

3. I will take time to laugh and sing.

My soul will be joyful in the Lord. Psalm 35.9


“Gratitude is being thankful and saying so.”

1. I will choose to see the good.

2. I will say “thank you.”

3. I will count my blessings.

In everything give thanks 1 Thessalonians 5:18


“Kindness is treating others with tender, gentle words, and ways.”

1. I will treat others as I would like to be treated.

2. I will use kind words.

3. I will use my hands in a kind way.

Be kind to one another. Ephesians 4:32a

It dawned on me that, as adults, we sometimes make passages in the Bible too complicated. Sometimes, adults need the scriptures broken down in the simplest form in order to have an “aha” moment to understand what Christ wants for us and what he ultimately did for us by dying on the cross. Our walk with Christ probably began with head knowledge and hopefully moved to heart knowledge. Head knowledge and heart knowledge are not an “either-or” but a “both and.” As we walk with Jesus, our head knowledge and heart knowledge will continue to grow. Just like any special relationship, the more we learn about them, the more we love them and want them in our lives. 

I am so proud of our Children’s Ministries and our Sprouts Preschool leaders, who understand the importance of instilling both in our children. More than likely, our younger kids can’t distinguish between head and heart, but an early understanding of how much Jesus loves them no matter what is invaluable. 

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14


Peggy Zumhofe

Executive Pastor


You are His treasure


The only thing that counts