Bryan White Bryan White

Hummingbird or Lion?

Scot McKnight once compared hummingbirds and lions. He said lions eat massive amounts of food all at once and then…

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Peggy Zumhofe Peggy Zumhofe

Approaching Holy Week

On March 2, we observed Ash Wednesday marking the beginning of Lent. Ash Wednesday focuses our hearts on repentance and prayer. It is a time set aside each year for…

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April Bergez April Bergez

Happy anniversary

I didn’t grow up in a church that practiced many liturgical aspects of worship like Ash Wednesday, which we observed last week. The first time I ever participated in this kick-off to Lent was here at Hillspring, and it has become…

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Bryan White Bryan White

Our Father in heaven

There are several questions that I like to ask people when I’m getting to know them. One of my favorites is the question, “What is the story behind your first Bible?”

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Bryan White Bryan White


This week marks our journey of Lent, the 40 day season of preparing ourselves for Jesus’ resurrection on Easter morning.

I usually preach a series of messages on something like the spiritual disciplines or the meaning of the cross during Lent. Many Christians incorporate fasting or give up something for Lent to remember Jesus’ 40 day fast in the wilderness. Other Christians might…

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