Navigating the World as Christians
The struggle to live out our faith in the world has always been a challenge, especially when faced with societal pressures. However, this struggle is central to the Christian experience. Navigating the world as a Christian is deeply rooted in the origins of our faith. The New Testament reveals the struggles of early Christians as they sought to articulate and live out their beliefs in a complex world. Though society has changed over the past 2,000 years, the challenge of faithfully engaging with an ever-evolving world remains the same.
Historically, the role of the Church has been to assist believers in navigating the world as Christians while engaging with communities and responding to the needs of others. Christian history reflects the tensions and conflicts that have arisen between the Church and society, the Church and political systems, and even within the Church itself. When the foundational elements of our faith are discarded, ignored, or violated, we struggle regardless of the source of the challenge.
At its core, our faith calls us to love God, love one another, treat others with respect as we wish to be treated, show mercy and kindness, seek justice, and care for the needy (Luke 6:27-36; Micah 6:8). It may seem hard to believe that these basic principles have historically caused division and conflict. Yet, the root of this conflict lies in the human condition, which encompasses both our great capacity for love, creativity, and imagination, as well as our potential for hate, destruction, and selfishness. God created the complexities of our humanity, and Christ serves as our example to live out the best parts of our nature while overcoming the sinful tendencies that lead to ungodly actions and behaviors.
As a society, when we focus on love, creative solutions to social issues, and caring for people in need, we experience peace. However, when we target groups of people as the cause of social ills, allow hatred to replace love and kindness, and let self-centeredness overpower compassion, we create division and struggle.
The challenges to our faith continue to unfold as expressions of Christianity align with political agendas and embrace the illusion of dominion over the world. Some preach messages that justify violence to achieve goals of domination, citing the book of Joshua (Joshua 6:21) to support their stance. Others believe that imposing Christian values on the nation will restore it to an idealized version of a Christian past. These divisions within the Church itself challenge the very foundation of Christianity, as denominations and congregations struggle to navigate political and theological rifts.
Politically, we are witnessing the demise of institutions that embodied Christian principles by aiding the needy and extending assistance beyond our borders in times of crisis. These charitable expressions, rooted in Christian values, have historically shaped our national identity. We have partnered with religious and secular organizations to express compassion, mercy, grace, and love through food, medical aid, technology, and economic support.
So how do we navigate the world as Christians? How do we participate in the long history of believers striving to express the gospel of Jesus while navigating daily life? There are no easy answers. While history offers lessons, we must also take responsibility for being relevant today.
We should focus on the core teachings of Jesus, ensuring our faith is rooted in love, justice, and mercy. Engage in meaningful conversations with others, even those who disagree with us, to build bridges rather than barriers. Serve our communities through acts of kindness and charity, demonstrating our faith through action. Please resist the temptation to conflate political ideology with Christianity, ensuring that our faith guides our decisions rather than partisan allegiances. Remain committed to personal and communal spiritual growth, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us in wisdom and discernment.
Steve Lewis