Exciting Growth in the QuadW Internship Program

I am thrilled to share some exciting updates about the QuadW internship program and how it is growing at our church. This program is an incredible opportunity to engage the younger generation in discipleship. It helps college interns grow in their faith while exploring a future path of service. Through this experience, they serve our community, develop leadership skills, and bring fresh, uplifting energy to our church.


Last summer, we welcomed four interns to Hillspring, and this year, we are doubling that number to eight! This growth is a testament to the potential of our campus as a strong site for the QuadW program. Hillspring’s values align beautifully with the QuadW Foundation. Through this internship, young adults step into leadership, bringing new ideas and perspectives that inspire all of us. It is truly a joy to see their dedication to Christ and the impact they make.


One of the things I love most about this program is the diversity of the interns. They come from different backgrounds and life experiences, yet their passion for serving others unites them. I cannot wait to see how God moves through them this summer and to see the positive work they will do for Hillspring and our community.

Quad W’s summer interns of 2024.

I also want to express my deep gratitude to our church family for the hospitality and care you showed to last year’s interns. Your kindness made a lasting impact, and I am excited to offer another opportunity for connection this summer. We will be organizing host family dinners again, giving you a chance to welcome these young leaders into your homes and get to know them personally. Be on the lookout for more details on how to sign up.


Jesus teaches us to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). The QuadW program is a beautiful example of this prayer in action: young people step up to serve, bring Christ’s love into our community, and live out God's will. I am so excited about what’s ahead, and I hope you will join me in supporting and praying for our interns this summer!



Josie Salazar

QuadW Director


Learn more about the Quad W story and mission HERE.


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