
Hello, Hillspring!

I'm Nicole Jansen, the new face on staff. I started May 1 as the part-time Ministry Coordinator, and although I'm only a month in, I already love the job. I've been out of the 'official' workforce since my son, Colin, was born over 17 years ago. While I was a stay-at-home and homeschooling parent, I had some 'unofficial' jobs that I enjoyed, including watching neighbor kids after school. It was the best! I baked snacks, helped with homework, and they played with my kids. 

Also, during my stay-at-home years, I tried out some new hobbies. Some I still enjoy, while others have long fallen by the wayside. One hobby I continue to enjoy is gardening. I did not grow up with parents who gardened, but my husband did. So, we've grown a garden for the past 16 years at our current house.

The most annoying thing about gardening is that you are never guaranteed a crop. I can't remember all the failed starts we've had, so many vegetables we wanted to grow only to end up with nothing or some very gross bug infestations. And this happens every year, without fail. It's not a surprise in growing food (but still annoying). Some seed packets even list a success rate, such as 80%. I think that’s to make people like me feel better - a reminder that no matter how carefully I tend the seed, I can’t make it grow.

It reminds me of the Parable of the Sower (Luke 13: 1-23). The farmer took seeds and scattered them. Birds ate some, some didn't have enough soil, so they didn’t live long, and some grew and died among the thorns. But some fell on good soil, grew, and produced a crop. Quite a large crop, according to verse 8. 

I think Jesus gives us all seed packets and tells us to scatter them. Seed packets containing our gifts, words, ideas, and actions so we can show His love to others. Some of the seeds we scatter will fall on deaf ears, and some may take root for only a little while, but some will grow. Some will even become bigger than we ever imagined. We don’t know which ones will take root and grow; only God knows that. He asks us to scatter and tend, and He'll take care of the growth.

What a great blessing and relief. I can’t make anything grow, but I can say a kind word, bring a meal to a family, hand out food at Mobile Market, hang out with kids at After School Matters, volunteer at a favorite organization, or be the neighbor who watches kids after school. A few of those kids are graduating this year. One is going to college to become a commercial pilot. Another is studying to be an architect, and another an engineer. It has been a joy to watch them grow and remember when they played “survival in Alaska” on our swing set.

One of my favorite quotes is, “The place between your own two feet at any time - that is your mission field” (Jill Briscoe). Anywhere you go, or stay, is your mission field. Any act of kindness is showing God’s love to others. And any act of showing God’s love to others is a glimpse of the kingdom here on earth.


I am very thankful to be in the kingdom-building business with all of you. If I haven't met you yet, I'd love to! I usually hand out the upcoming events cards in the lobby on Sunday mornings. Please stop by and say hi!


In Christ,

Nicole Jansen

Ministry Coordinator


Wait, was that my inside voice?


What does love look like?