What does love look like?

A little over a month ago, my dad, Tim, my son, Nathan, and I took a road trip from San Francisco, California, where my sister, Samantha, lives to San Marcos, Texas, where my parents live. It was the trip of a lifetime for me as I got to spend the week with both my dad and son. The things we saw and our conversations – I wouldn't trade them for anything. Even the many hours spent sitting in the car were well worth it.

I share this with you because our route had us pass through Uvalde, Texas. I honestly can't remember it. I don't know if we stopped there for a break or just passed right through.

I can tell you that I will never forget Uvalde after what happened on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at Robb Elementary School. Like many of us, I can't wrap my head around it. The anger, confusion, frustration, and sadness all come in different waves, at different times, in different situations. And I know that what I am feeling doesn't even register with someone who has a connection beyond "just passing through" on route to somewhere else.


The more I sat with what happened, I was taken back to the tragedy at Columbine High School in 1999. The first time a mass shooting at a school became a reality in the United States. Since that horrific moment, there have been over 200 shootings at schools in the United States…


OUR ACTIONS MATTER! Good or bad, what we say and do impacts reality. Our actions change the world and shape the future.


Our friends, family, and others follow our lead. And we follow them. We learn from each other. And we become better or worse because of it. History has shown us it only takes one to make the impossible possible, regardless of the outcome.


Our youth talked about this reality during youth group as we processed what happened at Robb Elementary. We shared our thoughts and feelings and then asked the question:


“What can we do about it?!”


If we know that doing something has an impact (good or bad) and that doing nothing allows things to worsen, what can we do?


When I asked the question, a condition was placed on the answer. I told the youth I didn't want them to answer with gun-control solutions, political answers, law changes, or resource reallocation. Those discussions are important and need to be had. What I was more interested in was what you can do right here that makes a difference and impacts the lives of the people around you here and now – in "real" time.


Their answer: We need to love others.


My response: "Great, I agree," but that is a total cop-out answer unless we know what love looks like and do it! The good news is, we do know what love looks like because God is love and Jesus modeled it for us!


The author of 1 John 4:7-9 wrote, “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.”


So, I asked them, what does love look like?! And added – please, reduce it to the ridiculous! Keep it simple. If we do, we will be more inclined to follow through!


Here is what they said:


Take time to actually “see” people and listen to them.


Be willing to be uncomfortable to come alongside someone.


Lookup (from your phone), smile, and say hi to others.


Reach out to someone when they are “off.”


Think before you speak.


Sit with someone you don’t know.


Tell the truth, especially if someone is in trouble or hurting themselves or others – even if it changes the relationship or ends it.


Be humble and listen.


Stand up for someone in need.


Compliment others and let them know they matter.


Respond with gratitude and be generous with others.


And these are just some of their answers. What I saw at that moment was that our youth get it! They were sharing God’s Kingdom values in everyday plain language! They reduced love to the ridiculous!


When I left the youth that night, I had hope! Our kids get it, and as they grow and live into it, I think the future is looking up!


I gave the youth a challenge as we closed our time together, and I am doing the same with you!


Here it is:


As you go about your day, stop, and see others. As you do, reduce love to the ridiculous and love them!


Grace and Peace,


Pastor Justin





A Tangible Faith