Go and tell!

Recently, I shared at our Women’s Bible Study group how God was working on my personal life by orchestrating a new job for my husband. One close friend suggested we take a little getaway if we had the time before starting the job. We are glad we did.


On this much-needed getaway, my husband and I shared how vulnerable we felt when we had no idea how things would turn out. Now that he has started his new job, we can relax, but we can’t avoid looking back to connect the dots and see how God, in our struggle, was speaking to us through people. We are glad we paid attention to the words of encouragement that were so needed during those difficult times.


Having our prayers answered, we can’t stop sharing with others how impeccable God’s timing was in this situation. We are also thankful for the support we received during that time. I told my husband, “We had over 100 ladies praying for you!” Now we look back and laugh!


Do you ever wonder where we would be if things had not turned out the way they did?


Before Jesus came into this world, God had been silent for over 400 years. The Israelites struggled and suffered but kept their faith in what had been promised to them—a Messiah who would come and deliver His people from slavery.  After Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph took him to be dedicated at the temple, and God revealed to Anna, a prophet, that He was the long-awaited Messiah!


“At that very moment, she came up and began to thank God and to speak about him to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.” Luke 2:38


Have you ever wanted something so badly that when you finally get it, you can’t wait to tell others?


I often feel bad for sharing too much about what God is up to or how God shows up and shows off in different situations of my life and ministry.  It brings me comfort to read in Scripture that Jesus invited His disciples to “come and see,” and the women throughout the Bible are nudged to “Go and tell.” This explains it all!


What does it look like for you to “Go and tell” and share your faith in your everyday life?


How has this season of Advent made you more expectant for Jesus to do the impossible in your life?


In this journey called “Life,” We will struggle, we will suffer, but God is no longer silenced, He is alive and hard at work. We are nudged to go and tell of the wonderful things He is doing in our lives to strengthen the faith of others and give them hope. Go ahead, go boldly, and be an Anna to others!



Pastora Grimelda Sanchez


Making a “Stop Doing” List


The Heart of Christmas: Memories Over Presents