1000 Hours

Happy New Year! I know it's a little late in the month to say that, but as I'm writing this, the year still seems new.

I don't usually make new year's resolutions, but this year I made two. I read a blog called "1000 Hours Outside," and I follow its creator, Ginny Yurich, on Instagram. Ginny started her blog ten years ago, and I followed her shortly after. Her goal was to spend 1,000 hours outside with her kids. In our world’s obsession with electronics, she wanted to make sure her kids had a connection with nature. I loved this idea, even if my kids weren’t always as excited about it as I was. Growing up in a rural area in Michigan, nature was where I saw God's beauty and creativity the most, and I wanted to pass those observation skills on to my kids. I also enjoy the outdoors.

A while later, Ginny created a "1000 Hours Outside" tracker – a drawing with 1,000 spaces people could download and print. For every hour outside, color in one space. Easy, right? Unfortunately, no. She recalls in a podcast episode all the crazy questions she has gotten over the years, such as: If I’m driving with my windows down, does that count? Do the hours I sleep in a tent count? What if I'm only outside for 45 minutes? Can I count that as an hour? But the most common question is: What if I don’t make it? Ginny was astounded by these questions. It was supposed to be fun!

Since the questions were overwhelming, Ginny answered, "Even if you lose, you win!" Even if you spend 500 or 700 hours outside, you still win! Her goal is to encourage people to get outside and reap the benefits of being in nature. You get those benefits if you're outside 500 hours a year or 1,000. I appreciated this logic and thought about where to apply it in other areas of my life.

My first resolution is to move 1,000 miles this year. Walking, hiking, running, snowshoeing – anything counts. My second resolution is to read through the Bible. I’ve never read the Bible chronologically, and I want to, so that is my challenge. What if I don’t make it? What if I only move 900 miles? What if I only read through the Old Testament? I still win! My body benefits from the exercise, and my relationship with God strengthens through any amount of time spent in His word.

In 2023, what will you have the courage to try? Will you invite someone new over for coffee or dinner once a month? Will you join a community service group? Will you try a new sport or workout routine? Will you learn a new skill? Will you be brave enough to fail and keep trying?

I encourage you in this new year to commit to something that forces you out of your comfort zone. You can decide how far out of that zone you want to go. Choose something that deepens your relationship with your Creator. You may not be 100% successful at your new challenge, but that’s okay. Even if you lose, you win!

Nicole Jansen

Ministry Coordinator


A time to connect


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