First Mobile Market of The Year
Every month, Hillspring joins forces with 2nd Harvest to bring groceries to under-resourced members of our community. The ministry started as a need in the pandemic and continues to bless people four years later. Volunteers show up at Eastgate Elementary (a partner of Hillspring) at 9am on the first Thursday of the month (with a few exceptions) and they set up stations to distribute the groceries. Cars begin coming through at 10am. On January 9th, the first Mobile Market of 2025 was held and we were able to bless hundreds of families in just a few hours. An amazing aspect of the ministry is that volunteers build relationships with those who come through. While they get in line with a bit of shame or anxiety, those who are picking up groceries leave with a smile and a full trunk. We love to take part in this ministry as a demonstation of how we, at Hillspring are blessed to be a blessing to others.