Life is better when we’re together

The past few weeks, we have been in high gear with all that is happening at Hillspring. Good things are coming! This month, I decided to move out of Children’s Ministries to focus more on my calling to Congregational Care, including Women’s Ministries. God’s timing is perfect!  There have been some small changes to my personal life as well. I have added a new dog, and our family became a host to an exchange student from Spain. Whether changes are big or small, I am confident that God is on our side, and I have a great community of support!

Change is necessary to grow. Whether it is a choice or not, we need to learn to embrace it and see it as an opportunity for growth. Meanwhile, our family is adapting to having an extra person in our space, and our dog is getting used to sharing our attention. So far, so good, they are both great!

While my personal life gets busier with fall sports and activities, my ministry area grounds me and balances it out. I feel blessed that my ministry area is very rewarding at all levels. I’ve been enjoying visiting with new people- comforting those at the hospital, connecting and encouraging those facing crisis or health struggles. Although it is emotionally hard, it is also very rewarding coming alongside people as I love, support, and encourage them. This is a bond one wouldn’t build otherwise.

The highlight of the week is every Wednesday morning and evening when the women gather together for Bible Study! It’s a powerful experience that you have to experience for yourself to explain: the energy, the genuine love, the connection, the sharing of miracles, the sharing of struggles, the sharing of hopes and dreams. We have become a family.

These women have something in common. Although they come from different stages of life, they all come to seek perspective, growth, and connection through the studying of God’s Word. We walk alongside each other, finding spiritual fulfillment in our shared journey.

For example, this is what some of the ladies had to say about this ministry:

“I come because I need the group to help me and to learn more about Jesus." Sandy Schierman


“I come to Women's Bible Study for the love, compassion, and sense of belonging from JESUS and ALL the women.” Laura Gronross


“I attend Women's Bible Study because it not only keeps me connected to studying God's Word and applying it to my life, but I also find that I connect with the women in the church, especially those in my group.  Knowing that I am loved and supported means the world to me, and I never feel alone.  Sharing life with these women is what Christian love is all about." Terry Blankenship


“I come to Women's Bible Study because we support each other, and it means so much more to discover new things in scripture with others." Betty Lakey


“For me, I want to learn and apply what I have learned at our Bible Study to my daily life- getting to know other Christian women and praying for each other, our families, and friends. That is such a blessing to me- most of all, getting to know Jesus’ Word and knowing Him more intimately!” Teresa Kellison


“I attend Women’s Bible Study because it helps me to learn and grow in the knowledge of God’s Word through the lessons we study each week. And I receive the added blessing of the connection, support, and friendship of the women in my group. I love the time we spend sharing and lifting each other in prayer.” Darlene Mahon

Women's groups sharing life together 

Meetings like this have such a significant effect on women's lives. They help shift our focus off of ourselves and onto each other so we can invite God's Spirit to begin to work. We experience a closeness and transformation. We get to experience God meeting personal needs. We recognize that we cannot avoid the circumstances we face in life. Still, we can prepare ourselves spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically by surrounding ourselves with women of faith so that when those times come, we have someone with whom to share our struggles.

Many of our ladies are trained Stephen Ministers. Many have experienced the loss of a spouse and are aware of the resources available for women to journey through difficult situations. Changes are inevitable, but we trust that God is hard at work orchestrating a better way on our behalf. We are not meant to do life alone. We are meant to experience life as a community.

 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Megan Fate Marshman, in her new study, tells us that trusting God is not a one-time decision; it’s an ongoing relationship. It’s an ongoing commitment to choose love, obedience, and honesty each day. God will make our paths straight because we will change, and we will grow because the One who changes and grows is with us.

If you are new to our church or looking for a way to grow spiritually and build a community of support around you, join us as we study “RELAXED" with Megan Fate Marshman. Join us for Bible Study Wednesday mornings at 10 am or evenings at 6:30 pm.

Grimelda Sanchez

Associate Pastor


Where passion and purpose meet


Serving with hearts full