Forever and Ever, Amen

The new song we sang in worship yesterday is likely the final one we will introduce this year. Yes, there is a method to the madness of which songs we sing, how many we have in our repertoire, and when/how we introduce them. This so-called madness provides a space for us  to recenter ourselves before we head into another week of work, school, lengthy to-do lists, hills, valleys, triumphs, and challenges. We constantly hope to remind everyone each Sunday that worship shouldn't stop when the music ends, or you head out the sanctuary doors. It should only be the beginning! This new song, "Forever and Ever Amen," reflects how our worship should go on without ceasing.


“Join in the song that never ends” is a lyric from the song urging us to participate in this eternal worship that is currently happening around the throne of God in heaven—even right now as you read this article! Revelation 4 mentions the continual worship:

Day and night they never stop saying:

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty;

who was, and is, and is to come.


While everyone and everything surrounding the foot of the throne in heaven is meant to worship in the ways seen in Revelation, we are not called to anything less here on earth. However, the ways we can worship are limitless!


Obviously, I love music. If that's a surprise to you, my next question is, have you realized my hair is red? That said, we seem to have put worship into this box, limiting it to music and singing, but worship goes beyond this and the walls of the church building. We can join the song that never ends without singing a single note. One way we can do this is by looking up from our phones and smiling at someone rather than ignoring them. We can be intentional with our resources to help those in need or mentor someone going through a life change you have gone through yourself. Sharing a positive note on social media rather than a negative one. Likewise, Jesus-following practices such as reading your Bible, praying, journaling, tithing, offering, and thanksgiving are all beautiful expressions of worship that we sometimes don't value enough. Just the simple act of loving another person beyond your differences, as Jesus demonstrated, is an act of worship.


By continuously living a life of worship, you are allowing God to work through you in a way that spreads love, joy, peace, and hope to the world. We can be silent or limit ourselves to an hour or so of "worship" each Sunday morning, or we can step up and live a life of worship. Regardless of what we choose, God will be glorified. Jesus tells the Pharisees in Luke 19 that if the disciples don't praise him, then "the stones will cry out." I know pet rocks were popular in the 70s, but I'm not going to let some rock worship for me! Yet ultimately, it is a choice we each have to make whether to worship Him or this world.


Choose Him. Be used by Him. Worship Him. He's already being worshipped, so let's join in! Don't limit yourself! Keep your heart open to the many ways you might be able to worship God today.

For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things

To Him be the honor and power and glory

Go be a blessing,


April Bergez

Worship Leader


“Forever and Ever Amen” by Maverick City & Phil Wickham




Faith working through love