
This morning was our Fall Kickoff at Hillspring! It was awesome to worship together then share lunch with so many friends as we celebrated our ministries, signed up for new classes and reflected on God’s call for each of us to try “one new thing” this fall!

This week we begin a new series, “Becoming.” Over the next several weeks we will reflect on the stories of four Biblical characters as we journey deeper into our new set of Core Values: Become, Connect, Develop and Change.

We will study the story of Saul becoming the Apostle Paul as we reflect on our call to Become more like Jesus through the work of the Holy Spirit.

The next week, Reggie McNeal will share the story of Levi becoming Matthew as an example of what it means to Connect with the people God has put in our lives.

Next we will turn to the story of Simon becoming Peter as an example of what it looks like to Develop meaningful relationships

Finally, we’ll turn to Genesis and reflect on Abram becoming Abraham as he and his wife Sarai (who became Sara) followed God’s call to Change our hearts and the world for good. 

As we pursue our vision of Live, Love, Grow, these core values guide our behavior as we journey through life together. Spiritual formation (Become) occurs as we journey in the trenches of Connect, Develop and Change.

We will become more like Jesus through the work of the Holy Spirit as we intentionally connect with the people God puts in our lives (in every aspect, not just ‘at’ church);  develop meaningful relationships (where most of life is lived: home, work, neighborhood, school, along with our church relationships); and change the world for good by seeking opportunity both personally and corporately to bring more heaven to earth.

I also want to invite you to join us on Saturday September 24, for two very special All-Church workshops with Reggie McNeal.   

Kingdom Come: What's Hillspring Got To Do With It?

Session one - What's God Up To? 9:00- 10:15

Session two - How Do We Get in On It? 10:45- 12:00

We will serve coffee and refreshments at 8:30.

In Christ, your pastor,

Bryan White


Life of worship


Forever and Ever, Amen