Women’s Ministry- PM Study

Every Wednesday evening at 6:30pm, our Women’s Ministry gets together for a Bible Study.

They get their dinner in the restaurant at 5:45pm, gather in meeting room 1 and enjoy each other’s company while they eat together. At 6:30pm, they start with a welcome and prayer, share announcements, then listen to a powerful message relatable to women followed with discussion questions. This is a great way to learn more about Jesus and get to know each other and share burdens through prayer requests.

Here is just one recent example of one of those burdens for someone involved in the women’s ministry who has been struggling with infertility:

“Every Wednesday was awaited desperately, during my hard season of distress and feeling hopeless. I found refuge for my pain. A place where I could feel accepted and loved, a place where I could find and embrace my vulnerability as well as my strengths. I discovered I was not alone. Every gathering, I asked the ladies to pray for me, for my future baby. I didn’t lose my faith that God was going to make a miracle and give me the child I always wanted… I am overjoyed to share with you that I am pregnant! There’s a miracle growing in my womb that shows God’s love and kindness…

I am so fortunate to have found a place where I could learn and feed my spiritual journey. It would have been very complicated to fight this battle without their prayers and company.” - S.W.

This testimony is from one of the ladies who has been faithfully attending our Women’s Bible Study. This is also a reminder that we were meant to be in community, to share our burdens with each other and support one another through prayer. The rest is up to God, and I know God is good at keeping His promises!


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