Get Off Your Donkey
Get Off Your Donkey!
Help Somebody and Help Yourself
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Session 1: Introduction and Chapter 1
Session 1 Discussion Questions
Reggie lists lessons to take away from the story of The Good Samaritan in the bible (page 24-26). Do any of these lessons inspire ideas or insights about serving or being a good neighbor?
What examples of successful kingdom building have you seen? Why do you think they were successful?
How is the “love your neighbor” dynamic playing out in your life right now?
Pick three people and make a plan to bless them this week.
Session 2: Chapters 2 & 3
Session 2 Discussion Questions
James 2:14-19.
After reading the passage, take a couple of minutes and share your thoughts on what James was saying about the relationship between faith, actions and needs.
What biases and prejudices cause you to pass by and ignore the needs you encounter?
Read Luke 8:40-56.
After reading the passage, take a couple of minutes and talk about how busyness, distraction and feeling overwhelmed can keep us from “doing the next right thing” or “getting off our donkey.”
Then discuss how Jesus dealt with them and what we can learn through Jesus’ response.
If fear, indifference or apathy keep us from BEING the church:
What does that say about us?
What does that say to others about the God we worship?
Take some time and talk about the blessings you have encountered as you served others!
Session 3: Chapters 4 & 5
Session 3 Discussion Questions
What makes your heart beat faster? How could you serve others with this passion?
How does your personality influence the way you want to help others?
What one or two major life experiences have shaped your capacity to help others? How?
When do you feel the smile of God?
Write out your top five core values.
Who packed the backpack of your life values?
Reggie gives you the assignment of “values clarification,” on page 95. When will you begin the assignment and who will be involved with you in doing it?
What new behaviors do you need to practice? How will you put them to practice?
Who will be your accountability team? How will you make yourself accountable to them?
Session 4: Chapters 6 & 7
Session 5: Chapter 8 & Conclusion
Session 5 Discussion Questions
What epic win in serving others are you willing to declare and pursue?
Thinking about the goal you want to shoot for, how do you feel about breaking it down into its Arena, Activity, Agenda, Action and Accountability? If you’re willing, share a goal with your group and discuss the breakdown for it.
What tangible way are you as a group going to get off your donkey in the next week or so? Discuss!