Worthy of my song

We have a solid list of 40 songs we rotate through when we worship together as a church family. I enjoy writing articles on these songs to give you more insight into the scripture or circumstances that prompted the artist to write the song. Yesterday in worship, we sang a song that we have sung several times this year called “Worthy of My Song” by Phil Wickham and recorded with Maverick City Music and Chandler Moore. Together, they create this beautiful song during the peak of the pandemic.


Think about that. They were writing a song about God's worthiness, steadfastness, and control during the chaos surrounding our world. Because even when this world or our lives seem to be in turmoil, God doesn't change. However, sometimes when life feels increasingly heavy and worrisome, the last thing we want to do is praise. It's difficult to be thankful or even pray sometimes when we feel overwhelmed, much less remember just how much bigger God is than our circumstances. But this is exactly what God wants us to do. Praise Him in every season of our lives. Focus our eyes on Him when we are on the mountaintop and in the valley.


This song's lyrics start with a verse that says I know it's going to be difficult for me to give this burden over to You and trust You, God, but I'm going to sing until I mean it. I'm going to praise until I believe. I'm going to worship You until my anxiety subsides and the weight I’m carrying is lifted. I trust that You will never leave me nor forsake me.


I’m gonna sing ‘til my heart starts changing

Oh, I’m gonna worship ‘til I mean every word

‘Cause the way I feel and the fear I’m facing

Doesn’t change who You are or what You deserve


Because regardless of what is going on in the world or our lives, God will always be worthy of our praise and song. When we focus on Him and give Him all that we have, He wraps us up in a warm blanket of peace that surpasses all our understanding to guard our hearts (Philippians 4:6-7).


Praising God in the sunshine is easy but worshipping Him in the storm is a tougher pill to swallow. I'm reminded of a sweet hymn that resonates with so many called "It is Well." Horatio Spafford, a successful lawyer and businessman, wrote this song in 1873 after a series of tragic events. First, his four-year-old son died in the Great Chicago Fire. This fire also significantly impacted Spafford's finances, causing him to lose virtually everything. To get a fresh start on life after the recent tragedies, Spafford, his wife, and four daughters planned to relocate to England. Spafford sent his family ahead while he tied up loose ends in Chicago. While crossing the Atlantic Ocean, their ship collided with another sea vessel, and all four of his daughters died from the accident. His wife miraculously survived. She sent Spafford a telegram saying, "Saved alone." Out of this tragedy came this amazing hymn that has touched so many lives when they have been upended and hopeless. The lyrics of the song repeat over and over again, “It is well with my soul. It is well. It is well.”


Sometimes we must repeatedly say a phrase to get our hearts and minds back on track. I think this is why God gave us music. Songs generally have a repetitive hook within the lyrics, which is the key point of any song that the writer wants us to grasp and refer to when we need truth amidst whatever life throws at us. Just like the lyrics in Spafford's hymn, "Worthy of My Song" reminds us that He is worthy in the blessing and the pain. Whether yes, or no, or wait, He is worthy. After every tear is shed, He is worthy. Through it all, He is worthy. Above every other name, He is worthy.


You may be flying high on life right now, and I pray you take the strength you have in this moment to lift someone else who is journeying through a tough time. Support them through prayer, sharing scripture, encouraging words, and simply being present with them to show them they are not alone.


But if you are in the eye of a storm, I pray that you would give this trial to God so He might wrap you in His loving arms. I pray that you would let His peace fall on your mind and heart to give you rest. I pray you would let go and let God guide you through it. I pray you will remember God's promises and His worthiness through it all. He doesn't change regardless of what changes in the world, our lives, or our circumstances.


I give You my worship

You still deserve it

You’re worthy, You’re worthy

You’re worthy of my song

I’ll pour out Your praises

In blessing and breaking

You’re worthy, You’re worthy

You’re worthy of my song


Fix your eyes on Him.


April Bergez

Worship Leader


“Worthy of My Song”

Maverick City, Chandler Moore, & Phil Wickham


How Will You Be Remembered?


Two are better than one