The only thing that matters

The last several years been filled with multiple agendas demanding attention. In our world, how do you discern God’s will? Our leadership spent time in prayer discerning our vision and values which have helped guide us to our true north. We also adopted Galatians 5:6 as a tool for discernment at Hillspring Church. It’s become a gift from Paul that cuts through the agendas of the world and helps us discern what really counts for God.

The only thing that counts

is faith working through love.

(Galatians 5:6)

The world around us is full of need. Years ago we spent time doing a quantitive analysis of the needs for kids and families in the greater Tri Cities region. Where was the area with the highest risk kids and families and the lowest amount of services trying to help them? The neighborhood around Eastgate Elementary School was the epicenter and we began a relationship based on faith working through love with that area that continues all the way to today.

We’ve felt God call us into a new chapter at Hillspring. We have work to do on our spiritual home at 1153 Gage Blvd. But we also feel God calling us to engage the greater community around us in new ways.

Just like each of our homes, the physical campus is a place where we are nurtured and equipped to go into the world to engage in God’s work of healing the hurts of His world. Our buildings and campus are critical resources for our ministries to gather for spiritual, emotional and physical renewal to inspire us to go out into God’s world to be the church.

Our Sanctuary entrance and lobby no longer serves our community. We want to enlarge the area for community activities, expand our restrooms with accessible facilities and doorways. All of our buildings are in desperate need of exterior paint. In addition we desperately need to invest in new audio, lighting, video display and camera systems as well as new signage.

We need to take care of our home. Just as the majority of us leave our homes when we go to work, God calls us as a community of faith to work through love both outside and inside our home.

In 2024 we will engage our community in even deeper ways by building on the successes of current ministries, while envisioning new ways to touch the lives of those in need.  We feel God has called us to deepen our presence in East Kennewick in new ways as we respond to the growing needs of communities that need additional support. This also means expanding After School Matters to other schools in Kennewick and Pasco to support children and families that struggle. Finally, we hope to be an ongoing witness to God’s love by living the gospel of Christ in the Tri-Cities area.

In Christ,

Bryan White




The beauty and variety of prayer