Trevor Owen Trevor Owen

Two are better than one

As a church, we have discussed the need to connect, develop, change and become. This past weekend, I had the chance to…

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Grimelda Sanchez Grimelda Sanchez

A Beautiful Burden

As we were starting, I got a text that one of my friends I have known from church had passed away. I tried to keep my composure, but as I looked around the room, my heart instantly felt heavy, and…

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Grimelda Sanchez Grimelda Sanchez

My cup overflows

Seven years ago, a close friend of mine was diagnosed with brain cancer, and the doctors gave her…

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Trevor Owen Trevor Owen

We are family

I love our country similar to how I love my family.

Our family has an incredible bond, and we really prioritize and enjoy being with each other. Whether you were born in, married in, or just happen to be a good friend, we love to create space to just be with each other and share our connected identity. We come together for holidays and celebrations, graduations and weddings. We always have…

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