Eulogy Virtues vs. Resume Virtues
In my small group, we are studying John Mark Comer’s Practicing the Way. In his book, he references author David Brooks, who poses the question of eulogy virtues versus resume virtues. It made me think about how some people are so focused on a level of career success that they forget what real success is all about.
Navigating the world
Let us not allow movements of hate to transform us but let us transform others through the expression of the core elements of the gospels. Love your neighbor as yourself. Love your enemies. Help the needy. Do not judge unless you want to be judged. Finally, treat others the way you yourself want to be treated.
What are you yearning for?
Yearning may seem like an odd word to use in casual conversation with someone. "I yearn to go on vacation," or "I yearn for a pumpkin spice latte." We don't normally use "yearn" in our day-to-day conversations. It sounds more like…
What will reign in you?
Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a reoccurring theme continually surfacing in my world. The theme of idols. Not the wooden, golden, or concrete trinkets or statues one may imagine, but the…