Peggy Zumhofe Peggy Zumhofe

Eulogy Virtues vs. Resume Virtues

In my small group, we are studying John Mark Comer’s Practicing the Way. In his book, he references author David Brooks, who poses the question of eulogy virtues versus resume virtues. It made me think about how some people are so focused on a level of career success that they forget what real success is all about.

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Peggy Zumhofe Peggy Zumhofe

Living an abundant life

For an early Christmas, we met our Oklahoma family for a few days in the sun at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. It was our Christmas to each other. My son and daughter-in-law would rather…

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Peggy Zumhofe Peggy Zumhofe

Are you a fruit inspector?

On a recent trip to Oklahoma, we attended worship with our son and his family. On that Sunday, the former preacher came out of…

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