No matter the season

Last Sunday, we held our All Church Gathering. It is a time of celebration where we come together and reflect on what God has done through Hillspring Church, and take time to look ahead to what God has in store for us for the upcoming year. During this time, Pastor Bryan thanked the Staff for their service and acknowledged how many years they have been in ministry. I was reminded that I had worked for Hillspring for almost 19 years! The best two decades of my life!


 It’s only through looking back that we get reminded of God’s faithfulness in our ministries as well as our personal lives. 


This reminder brought me back to when I first started working at Hillspring. I was pregnant with my oldest son, Aaron, who is now a senior in high school! Through this calling to the ministry, God has given my family and me many opportunities to serve.


 “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15b


In this passage, Joshua spoke to the Israelites about their need to be faithful and serve God, who saved them from slavery. Likewise, I am honored and humbled to express my gratitude to God for what he has done for me by expressing His love through serving Him and the congregation in both the joys and hardships of life. Never in my life would I have thought that the latter would be close to my heart. Looking back at my almost two decades journey, I can pinpoint where specifically my love enhanced for ministering to those grieving the loss of a loved one. I had a great mentor, Pastor Dick Sanders. Pastor Dick shared his tender experiences with me, and through that, I got to know the vulnerable side of people and built a connection and deep bond with them. Through his shared experiences, I learned the importance of showing up and completely trusting and relying on the Holy Spirit.


Thinking back, I have loved and enjoyed every area of ministry, whether it was a bookkeeping task or leading and connecting with people. No matter how small or big the task, it was done for God. I have witnessed growth in physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. These connections and experiences have equipped me and strengthened me personally and spiritually in my faith to continue to share the love of Jesus and His Hope for new beginnings.


As I mentioned, my son, Aaron, who I was pregnant with when I started working at Hillspring, is graduating from high school this year! He's now looking into colleges and has dreams for his future. I thank God for new beginnings! During this new stage in his life, I get reminded and comforted that in the same way God was present then, He will be present with us in the future.


Is there someone or something that reminds you of God’s faithfulness?


I pray that you can look back this holiday season and be reminded of God's faithfulness, and during this time, you look for opportunities to express His love and share your faith through the way you love.


Serving Him together,

Grimelda Sanchez

Associate Pastor


A story to tell


Thanksgiving and Preparation