An Extra Blessing

The Night of a thousand candles is a beautiful celebration of the start of Advent and the Christmas Season. The Christmas music draws us into the “Spirit of the Season”, the candles bring light into the darkness reflecting an ancient Christian tradition that can still bring a tear to your eye. I think we can all agree that we were blessed by the movement of the Spirit of God as we experienced the Night of a 1000 Candles.


There was one extra blessing that only a few people in the front pews experienced. During the music, a little girl began to dance and sway, moving her arms and pointing, and at times kicking her legs.  She jumped and invited two other older children to join her in her celebration. At first, I thought it was just a response to one song, but she continued song after song to dance and move. She removed her boots at one point to allow for more freedom to point her toes like a ballerina.


Others in the first few pews also noticed her and laughed or smiled, but I was captivated. God has a way of getting our attention is unusual ways. For me, this was more than just a cute little girl dancing to music. It was God’s reminder to relax, enjoy the moment, remember to come as a child before Christ.


I have spent a lifetime looking for God in the ordinary things in life, moments when God breaks into our normal routines. I found myself fascinated with the innocence, free movement, dance like “no one was watching” freedom this little girl expressed. I realized how much we lose as we grow up. We become more concerned about how others see us, or what people will say about our actions. We lose the innocence that we once embraced. Christmas time opens us once again to a child like joy. While we know that the world has numerous problems, we find hope in the incarnation of Jesus Christ coming as a baby in Bethlehem.


Perhaps we can all learn a lesson from this little one to dance like no one is watching, to sing regardless of pitch, to praise with open hearts and free ourselves of fear. Let the Spirit of Christmas flow through us to all of those around us. Let the Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love be our guide through Advent, and our let it be goal all year long.


Steve Lewis                  



Living an abundant life


Hope Sings