
Grimelda blog gx 82221.png

 My husband Moses and I recently took a vacation to New York to celebrate 20 years of marriage. I was very excited about the trip, and it kept me encouraged as I prepared and planned for Hillspring Kids Day Camp. Whenever I would get overwhelmed with details, I would think of my trip, and the time I would have to rest. 


What I didn't see coming was the recurring theme of the pandemic. 

Before we left for our long-awaited vacation, my mom tested positive for Covid. It appeared that she was doing better, so we decided to continue with our vacation, but as the trip approached, we noticed my mom's health was deteriorating. 


My uncle, who lived in the same household, had recently passed away from Covid, so our fear was heightened. Ten years earlier, God did extend his life. He was involved in a car accident that left him in a coma for 15 days. He was able to move into my mom's house and, at that time, accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. We saw God at work in his life. He loved and believed in God, and I know he is rejoicing in heaven with Him. 


We often felt guilty that we were on vacation while others back home were suffering. Despite our grief, pain, worry, and fear, we decided to make a mental shift and make the best of our time. Having a busy schedule helped us to stay emotionally distracted. We heartbrokenly prayed and trusted God, and He, in return, gave us peace. 


In difficult situations, I tend to look back and connect the dots where God had been present when everything seemed to be falling apart in our lives. It gave me the hope and peace I needed. 


When my mom was young and had just given birth to her third child, she had an infection that doctors couldn't treat. She had been given less than 24 hours to live. She had an encounter with God, and He miraculously saved her life. God was with her then, and I knew he would be with her again. 


Looking deep into what God has done reminded me of my own life's calling and ministry. If my mom had died after her third child, I would not have been born. I am the fifth child out of 13. In his infinite mercy, God continued to bless the womb of my mother to bring forth a blessing to this world through her kids. 


“Your eyes saw my unformed body;

    all the days ordained for me were written in your book

    before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:16


How beautiful is this, that God is intricately involved in forming life in the womb, and He plans that life before the child is born? It is a reminder that we are all part of His Story. We are a miracle. We are chosen. We have a purpose. 


You see, by God showing mercy to my mother and saving her life, He was also showing mercy to me. For this reason, I believe everything around us is intertwined as a miracle. It is when we look intently and take the time to connect the dots and see God’s hand at work that He will reveal His plan for us and confirm our purpose in this side of eternity. 


I am grateful that my prayer warrior mother once again has overcome death. I can’t wait to see how her life being impacted this way will transform this world into a much better place. 


I'm here to remind you that God's presence offers comfort and unconditional love when life does not go as planned. My husband and I will have many opportunities to take time off and celebrate our marriage, but for now, we are thankful our family is doing better, and we have each other. 



Grimelda Sanchez

Associate Pastor



What are you yearning for?

