Give me eyes

Ah, fall. It’s that hectic time of year again, and with two busy teenagers if we don’t make our family time a priority it won’t happen. God commanded us to “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6). I take care of my kids, pray for them, and teach them life skills so that they will know how to take care of themselves. But the most important thing we can teach our kids is how to love Jesus, because everything else in life is rooted in that.

I’ve found that showing my kids ways to love Jesus is more effective than telling my kids ways to love Jesus. One way we as a family show our love for Jesus is by volunteering with the Up to Code ministry here at Hillspring. We work with Richland Code Enforcement to find homeowners who are both physically and financially unable to take care of their yardwork. Most of our work is pulling weeds, cutting down brush, or fixing a fence. We get to work outside as a family and there is always a job for a kid.

I asked my kids what they thought about this ministry, and these are their responses –

“I participate in Up to Code because it is an amazing opportunity to serve those we do not realize are struggling. Oftentimes, the houses that we work on are ones in nearby neighborhoods, the ones that we pass by all the time. Hearing the stories of the people in need helps make me realize that there is a need for service in our own nearby communities, and it also shows that the work we do makes a difference for those people. It's amazing how much difference one group of volunteers can make in a couple hours.” – Colin, age 17

“The reason why I do Up to Code is because I get to see God in different ways. The first week we did Up to Code we went to Misty's parents’ house. The day before, during my Bible time, I asked God to give me eyes to see His works. The next day while we were working, I saw God. I didn’t physically see Him, but I heard Him. At the end of our work, Misty offered to pray with our work group. Misty said something along the lines of, “thank you for letting these members of the church be the hands and feet of Jesus.” Through my waterfall of tears, I could hear God telling me, “This is who I am”. That is why I do Up to Code. Not for the praise, not for the bragging rights or volunteer hours. I do it because I see God through it all. Whether it is a prayer, a person, a plant or a petunia, I see God and His love for me.” – Maia – age 14


“I like doing Up to Code because I like making a difference in people’s lives. I like to see how grateful people are because of the work we do.” – Luke, age 11


One volunteer brought his 10-year-old son to our last Up to Code day. He told me, “Yep, I made him come.” I laughed because that is something I would do. But you would never have guessed his son was ‘made to come’. He worked so hard! We also developed new relationships with Hillspring folks we hadn’t met yet. You really get to know someone when you’re doing yard work with them!

I understand that yard work is not something all of us enjoy. If Up to Code is not your thing, we have many other opportunities! Harvest for Water from Wine (Oct. 15), Treat-n-Trunk (Oct. 27), Christmas Caroling (Dec. 11), and Nativity (Dec. 18-22) are all upcoming opportunities to volunteer as families, develop relationships with others, and show your kids ways to love Jesus.


In Christ,

Nicole Jansen


The Abundant Life


Life of worship